Ida, Dora, and Minnie arrived in New York on Jan 15, 1900 on the Aragonia. Their names on the passenger list are Eidle, Scheindel, and Marie Pullmann, from Zhitomir. Ages given are 30, 10, and 8. The ship sailed from Antwerp. Traveling with them was Ludik Tabacznik, a tailor, also of Zhitomir, who claimed to be a brother-in-law of Jonah Pullman. If so he must have been the husband of one of Jonah's sisters.
Jacob Rosenberg arrived March 4, 1904 on the Blucher out of Hamburg. He is 36, a smith (?) from Koroscin (Korosten?). Izzie Pullman arrived July 8, 1904 on the Carpathia out of Liverpool. The entry in the manifest is Isser Pullmann, 17, joiner, from Kiev. Traveling with him are two purported relatives, Leiser Magude and Leiser Antil, both married,both joiners,both from Zhitomir; one is 30 years old and the other 31. Magude claims to be a cousin of Jonah Pullman and Antil a nephew.
So who were Ludik T, Leiser M, and Leiser A? Never heard of those surnames. There is no trace of them in the US. Likely they changed their names but still, if they were relatives, they would have remained in touch, even if they did not stay in New York City.
Izzie's uncle Abraham Kordon arrived on July 31, 1904 on the Umbria out of Liverpool. In the manifest he is Abram Kardansky, 28, married, a joiner from Kiev. Abraham first lived in the Lower East Side. By 1915 he was in the Bronx, where he lived the rest of his life. He had a carpentry business.
Minnie and Ida Rosenberg arrived on July 16, 1908 on the Zeeland out of Antwerp. Their names in the manifest are Mania and Edie Rosenberg, aged 19 and 17 respectively. Both are described as 5'6", blond, and blue eyed. There previous home is given as Kowno, where there closest relative, (illegible) Rosenberg, lived. Their occupation is servant.
The Bordoff family arrived together on Oct 30, 1908 on the Samland out of Hamburg. They appear in the manifest as the Borodowski family - Moische, Scheindel, Aron (Harry), Jenta (Henrietta), Nute (Nathan), Josef, Schlieme (Sam), and Itzik (Irving). With them is Shaindel Pullman Bordoff's brother in law, Aron (Harry) Dick. Jonah's half-niece Henrietta Dick arrived July 17, 1909 on the Zeeland out of Antwerp. She was 11 years old. She was alone. Her mother Lena Portenoy Dick and sisters had been with her in Antwerp, but her sister Hinda had been refused entry because she was blind, so her mother sent Henrietta ahead, left the other sister, Rae, in Antwerp, and returned to Russia with Hinda. On the manifest she is Jente Dick, of Radomsyl, Kiev, Russia.
Lena and Rae arrived on March 4, 1910 on the Finland out of Antwerp. They are in the manifest as Leic Dick and Riwe Rick. Their previous address is given as with "sister Celia Portneoj in Radomsyl." Hinda had been placed in a home. Hinda later married and had at least one child.
I suppose that Celia was another half-sister of Jonah, Fruma, and Shaindel. Shaindel was born 1874 and Lena in 1880. Their mother was born Yenta Rosa Goldberg. Her first husband was Levi Yankel Polewsky (Pullman) who must have died between 1874 and 1880. Yenta then married Evchef Zitnick.
Rachel Rosenberg arrived on December 30, 1910 on the Kursk out of Libau. With her were Eva, Aaron, and Frances, who are in the manifest as Chave (17), Aron (15), and Fanna (9). Their previous address is given as Iskorost, with "father (maybe brother) Srul Feldman." Srul was Jacob Rosenberg's brother in law, the husband of Basia/Bessie. The Feldman family had a tannery and were wealthy. Their birthplace is given as Korosten; Korosten and Iskorost are different names for the same place. Also interesting that they had been staying with the Feldman family. All are dark haired, dark eyed. Rachel is 5'4", Eva 5'6" (notation of "defective muscular development, flat and deformed chest"), and Aaron is 5'3". They are on their way to join Jankel (Jacob) Rosenberg, c/o the Pullman family in the Bronx.
Curious that Jacob did not have his own place, and that he had been in the country nearly 7 years, unless he had gone back to Russia. It must have been pretty crowded at the Pullman residence, which was 450 E175th Street in the Bronx, the notorious Park Ave/Bathgate Ave neighborhood. 175th St was the Irish-Jewish boundary, with the Irish on the other side of the street. Earlier that year, in the 1910 census, the Pullman family was in Brownsville, so they had not been at this address long. Izzie Pullman married Bessie Feigenson earlier that same month. Both gave 450 E175th St as their address, so perhaps they met there.
All of these records can be found at Ellis Island Data Base