Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Izzy and Bessie's 50th Anniversary

David Marowitz recalls that it was held on 2nd Avenue in the 60's. I had had the false memory of it being in the 50's. The 1910 census lists Izzy as unmarried which is consistent with David's recollection.


Nan Pullman Andre said...

I remember buying a purple dress to wear to it, and my mother being surprised that it looked okay--she was doubtful that purple would be attractive. I think I was 16, which would be very early 60's--probably 1961 (I turned 16 in Nov 1960).

Cynthia said...

My sister Joanne has a pic from Izzy and
bessie's 50th. I'm not sure if she can access the blog or scan pictures but her son-inlaw could help her.